Be Human

Crop Demonstration

As Agriculture Department has agreed to provide 105 kg HYV paddy seed for promotion of SRI in DPCC based on the target given in AWPB (16-17). GS-PEC has circulated the information and selected 420 farmers from two blocks interested in SRI at least in 0.25 Acre of land. Team has facilitated farmers in each step to show them a comparative analysis for greater yield in low cost.

All plots were used for demonstration purpose where farmers were asked to use both traditional & SRI method simultaneously to differentiate the Cost and productivity. Special trainings have been organized at GP level along with hands on support at field level. A comprartive study has been taken up to 210 progressive farmers where they have tried both Traditional & SRI in their land respectively.

Total Area of Cultivation & Production:

Seedlings Transplantation & per Acre Production: