Be Human

Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Project funded by Jharkhand Tribal Development Society (Unit of Welfare Department, Govt. of Jharkhand)

Project Goal

All Tribal people will be living with shelter, food,health, education security along with self dignity and without fear

  • Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment & Livelihood Project is now paying attention to the various factors and processes which either constrain or enhance poor people’s ability to make a living in an economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable manner. JTELP comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base. Started journey in March'15 by establishing District Project Management Unit at Jamtara, there were lots of ups & downs in the 1st year of implementation and finally, it is now recognized that the poor themselves often know their situation and needs best and must therefore be involved in the design of policies and project intended to better their lot.
  • JTELP is working with approximately 11,000 families in 88 villages of two blocks (Jamtara and Fatehpur) in the tribal sub plan Jamtara district, targeting STs and PTGs women headed families, rural youth and BPL families. Previously Gram Panchayats with more than 50% STs or PTGs concentration were chosen. Three villages out of total 88 villages are ST and PTG nil villages but BPL families are present with other castes.
  • Project has been divided into four components like Community Empowerment in which 148 SHGs and 28 Youth Groups have been formed in Fatepur and 90 of them have received seed capital in this financial year. Under the INRM component, 59 GS-PEC (formed under JTELP) have facilitated in 65 small farm pond excavations. 30 poultry, Goatry and Piggery shed have been constructed where as 74 unit of Nutrition garden have been promoted under the Livelihood Support component. Apart from these, few trainings have been conducted for the staff as well as for the farmers and GS-PEC members to build cohesiveness and capacity for timely and effective execution of the project. In the mean time, four model villages have been identified based on its natural resources and peoples' interest for greater access to those resources.
  • Still, we are focusing on process rather than outcome in the initial years. Now, villagers are well aware about the activity of JTELP and their spontaneous participation is noticed in recent days. Only thing is to carry the momentum through continuous facilitation at grass root level in next year to bring sustainability.